How To Work With Brands Pt. 2

Do you ever wonder what brands are looking for in their photos?

Each brand is different, but every brand is looking for certain qualities.

Here are 3 important things to consider when shooting for a brand. πŸ‘‡

  1. Be Creative 🎨

I know it has been said before, but brands are looking for photos that are out of the box!

Instead of capturing a natural, clean shot, try to make your photos captivating and attention grabbing.


2. provide a feeling πŸ₯°

Brands want their photos make the viewer feel something.

The photo above gives the feeling of joy from a fun, summer day! 🌊


3. Stick with the brands theme 🌊

The most crucial part of branding is to always stick with the brand’s theme.

Every brand has their own style, whether it’s tropical, sporty, or luxurious. The key is to make sure that their photos are consistent with their branding.

The brand above, @sand_cloud, has tropical style, so I made sure the photos had a beach setting.


I hope these tips help you on your next brand shoot!

xoxo, Christine