How To Work With Brands

The question I get asked most is…

“How did you start working with brands?”

To be honest, one of the first brands I worked with, @ivoryella, reached out to me and that’s where it all began!

But from there, it was a combination of posting consistently so brands could see my work and reaching out to brands myself.


When I reach out to brands, I tell them that I would love to work with them and why.

I reached out to some of my favorite brands like,, and had the privilege of shooting for them monthly.

I am so thankful I stepped out of my comfort zone and did that!


Here’s how to start pitching today: 👇

  1. Find a brand you love. 💓

  2. Find their PR email. 💌

  3. Write a brief, detailed email about why you’d like to work with them.

  4. Mark out your price. 💲

  5. Deliver. 📬


You will never know until you try!

To view more photos from the photoshoot featured above read, Shore Brand X Makenna - Brand Shoot.

Leave a comment below and let me know if these tips help you in your own business!

xo, Christine